Mishra, S. & Kern-Stone, R. (Eds.) (2019). Transnational Media: Concepts and Cases. Wiley Blackwell. [Book]
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Mishra, S., Moody, M. & Vasquez, R. (2025). Black-Owned Business and Passionate Brand Publics: A Netnography of The Honey Pot Company PR Crisis. Public Relations Review.
Muya, S. M. & Mishra, S. (2024). Raising Issues of Climate Justice and Climate Finance: How African News Media Frame Climate Change. African Journalism Studies, 1–20. [Journal Article]
Moody-Ramirez, M., Byerly, C., Mishra, S., & Waisbord, S. R. (2023). Media Representations and Diversity in the 100 Years of Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 100(4), 826-846. [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. & Kern-Stone, R. (2023). Smart Assistants for Smart Living: Ideology and Mythology in AI-Powered Smart Speaker Advertising. Journal of Communication Inquiry. 47(4), 481-500. [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. & Bakry, A. (2021). Social Identities in Consumer-Brand Relationship: The Case of Hijab-Wearing Barbie Doll in the United States. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(6), 1534-1546. [Journal Article]
Awabo, M. & Mishra, S. (2021). Media, Culture, and Framing of Disability in Kenya’s Daily Nation Newspaper. In M. Jeffress (Ed.) Disability Representation in Film, TV and Print Media. Routledge. [Book Chapter]
Mishra, S. (2021). Globalizing Male Attractiveness: Advertising in Men’s Lifestyle Magazines in India. International Communication Gazette, 83(3), 280-298. [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. (2021). Misogyny and Erotic Pleasure in Bollywood’s ‘Item Numbers.’ In Glenn Fosbraey and Nicola Puckey (Eds), Misogyny, Toxic Masculinity and Heteronormativity in Post-2000 Popular Music. Palgrave Macmillan. [Book Chapter]
Mishra, S. (2020). Commercial Speech. In Debra Merskin (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society. [Book Chapter]
Mishra, S. (2020). Masculinity in Men's Lifestyle Magazines. In Encyclopaedia of Gender, Media and Communication. [Book Chapter]
Mishra, S. (2020). From #MeToo to #MeTooIndia: News Domestication in Indian English Language Newspapers. Journalism Studies, 21(5), 659-677. [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. (2018). Assimilatory Hybrid Masculinity in Indian Editions of Global Men’s Lifestyle Magazines: The Production Process. Journal of Media Business Studies. Online First [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. (2017). From Self-Control to Self-Improvement: Evolving Messages and Persuasion Techniques in Weight Loss Advertising (1930-1990). Visual Communication, 16(4), 467–494 [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. (2017). The Importance of “Consumer Type” in the Attribution of Crisis Responsibility: The Case of the Maggi Noodles Crisis in India. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 11(3), 224-243 [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. (2017). Looking Westwards: Men in Transnational Men’s Magazine Advertising in India. Global Media and Communication. [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. & Kern, R. (2015). Persuading the Public to Lose Weight: An Analysis of a Decade (2001-2011) of Magazine Advertisements, Journal of Magazine & New Media, 16(1), 1-21. [Journal Article]
Kern, R. & Mishra, S. (2014). (Re) Framing Gender and Network News: Comparative Analysis. Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 43(6), 712-732. [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. (2014). Doing Survey Research in Media Studies. In Darling-Wolf, F. (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies: Research Methods in Media Studies. Blackwell. [Book Chapter]
Mishra, S. (2014). Nationality and Gender in Sports Photography: A Case Study on Portrayals of Figure Skaters at Torino Winter Olympics. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, 6(3), 382-400. Online First, 2013 [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. (2013). Projections of Power, News Framing, and India's 2010 Commonwealth Games, The Howard Journal of Communications, 24(2), 178-193. [Journal Article]
Mishra, S. (2012). Asian Learning and Teaching Style: Tradition and Modernity in Classrooms: In Christopher, E. (Ed.) Managing Communication Across Cultures: Different Voices: Palgrave Macmillan, UK. [Book Chapter]
Mishra, S. (2012). ‘The Shame Games’: A Textual Analysis of Western Press Coverage of the Commonwealth Games in India, Third World Quarterly, 33(5), 871-886. [Journal Article]
Competitive Grants & Awards
Mishra, S. (2019). 1-For-ALL MTSU grant. Amount Awarded $2000.
Mishra, S. (2019). CAS Targeted Funding Initiative (TFI). Amount awarded $7,000.
Mishra, S. (2018). CAS Targeted Funding Initiative (TFI). Amount awarded $11,000. [With Ashton Speno,].
Mishra, S. (2017). CAS Targeted Funding Initiative (TFI). Amount awarded $10,000, [With Elza Ibroscheva].
Mishra, S. (2014-15). Waterhouse Family Institute Research Grant (WFI), Villanova University: Amount awarded $9970
Mishra, S. (2014-15). SIUE Online Program Development Grant : Amount awarded $7500
Mishra, S. (2013-14). ART Grant : Amount awarded $6939.
Mishra, S. (2012-13). Grants for Transitional and Exploratory Projects (STEP) : Amount awarded $11,754.
Mishra, S. (2005). Photograph of Red Cedar River published in Environment Journalism (won the 1st prize).
Select Conference Presentations
Mishra, S. (August 2023). Creating “Mystical Moments” on Instagram: How Indian Spiritual Gurus Promote Spirituality and Connect with Global Audiences. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, DC.
Mishra, S. & Moody-Ramirez, M. (May 2023). Navigating Selling and Solidarity: How Black-Owned Businesses Navigate Crisis and Manage Change. International Communication Association Conference (ICA). Toronto, Canada.
Mishra, S. & Kern, R. (August 2022). Smart Assistants for Smart Living: Ideology and Mythology in AI-powered Smart Speaker Advertising. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Detroit, MI. Top Faculty Paper in Cultural and Critical Studies Division.
Mishra, S. (August 2021). Branded Spirituality: Gurus, Globalization, and Neo-Spiritual Nationalism in the Indian Marketplace. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Virtual. Top Faculty Paper in Religion and Media.
Mishra, S. & Bakry, A. (August 2020). “Barbie is Not Muslim”: Consumer Racism in Hijab Wearing Barbie Doll on Twitter. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Virtual.
Mishra, S. (April 2020). Breaking Through the Borders: News Domestication in Indian English Language Newspapers. Central States Communication Association, Chicago, IL. Top Faculty Paper in Activism, Communication Ethics & Social Justice.
Mishra, S. (August 2019). Misogyny and Erotic Pleasure in Bollywood’s Item Numbers. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Toronto, Canada.
Mishra, S. (May 2019). The Mediation of the #Metoo Movement by the Indian Press. International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, DC. [International]
Mishra, S. (August, 2018). Understanding the Process of Construction of Masculinity in Indian Editions of Global Men's Lifestyle Magazines. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, DC.
Mishra, S. (April, 2018). Globalization, Consumer Culture and Changes in Masculine Representation. Central States Communication Association (CSCA), Milwaukee, WI. Top Faculty Paper in Intercultural communication.
Mishra, S. (August, 2017). Who Am I and Who Am I Talking To? Community, Identity and Culture in a Changing Media Environment. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, IL.
Mishra, S. (August, 2017). Blending with Beckham: New Masculinity in Globalizing India. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, IL.
Mishra, S. (March, 2017). Creating Local Edition of Global Men’s Magazine in India. Central States Communication Association, International Communication Division, Minneapolis, MN. Top Faculty Paper, First Place.
Mishra, S. (March, 2017). Untangling Nestle’s Maggi Noodles Crisis in India: Consequences for Image Repair Theory. Central States Communication Association, International Communication Division, Minneapolis, MN, Top Faculty Paper Panel.
Mishra, S. & Ibroscheva, I. (September, 2015). “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”: A Comparative News Analysis of the Michael Brown’s Shooting in Four Countries. International Journal of Press/Politics conference, University of Oxford, UK.
Mishra, S. (August, 2015). Looking Westwards: Men in Transnational Men’s Magazine Advertising in India. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), San Francisco, CA. Top Faculty Paper, Third Place..
Mishra, S. & Kern. R. (August, 2014). Lose the Weight in Half the Time: Dominant Messages in a Decade of Diet and Weight Loss Magazine Advertisements. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Montreal, Canada.
Mishra, S. & Maenaka, H. (August, 2014). Individual or Social? News Framing of Obesity in the United States and Japan. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Montreal, Canada.
Mishra, S. (June, 2013). Beauty, Body, and Weight: An Evolution of Messages and Persuasion Techniques in Weight-loss Advertising in the New York Times (1930-1990s). International Communication Association (ICA), London, UK.
Mishra, S. (April, 2013). Framing Obesity in the United States and Japan: A Cross-Cultural Study. Top Papers in Intercultural Communication, Central States Communication Association (CSCA), Kansas City, KS.
Mishra, S. (May, 2012). “The Shame Games”: Projections of Power, News Framing, and India’s 2010 Commonwealth Games, International Communication Association (ICA), Phoenix, Arizona AZ; also chaired the session.
Kern, R. & Mishra, S. (May, 2012). (Re) Framing gender and network news: A comparative analysis, International Communication Association (ICA), Phoenix, AZ.
Mishra, S. (May, 2012). Undermining the Commonwealth Games in India: A Textual Analysis of Western Press Coverage, International Communication Association (ICA), Phoenix, AZ.
Mishra, S. (March, 2012). Projections of Power in Western News Report, Central States Communication Association (CSCA), Cleveland, OH.
Mishra, S. (April, 2010). Word They Used: Perceptions of Young Women Who Drink. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Mishra, S. (April, 2010). “Girls Gone Wild" Portrayals: Do They Encourage Outrageous Behaviours among College Women? Broadcast Education Association (BEA 2010) Conference, Las Vegas, NV.